Your questions, answered.
Genie compares 'like' products from your current suppliers and automatically selects the cheapest (or preferred) for ordering.
Whenever there is a change in the price of your ingredients, Genie automatically updates all linked recipes and alerts you whenever food cost margins are exceeded.
Absolutely NOT. Genie allows you to set price agreements with your suppliers for a fixed term. Genies Price Control Check on all Deliveries, ensures that you'll only ever pay for what's delivered and at the agreed price
Yes you can. Genie allows you to select only those modules you want your staff to use or see, giving you total control over all purchasing and compliance activity
Positively YES, Genies Compliance and Workflow modules, let you create daily cleaning routines and Compliance checklists and allocate them to selected Users. Non completion and compliance alerts assure you that nothing will fall between the cracks!
You can find your Genie anywhere, anytime! Available on PC; Tablet or APP
Genie will reliably import and export all sales and invoice data either directly via Genie's own platform or API
Absolutely! One of the great things about Genie is that it's designed to work around your business needs. If you require additional functionality we can design and fit to purpose
Depends. Genie is a modular system so you only pay for what you use. Subscriptions are paid monthly, there's no lock-in contract, Terms and Conditions are included